Nice chunky piece of Auralite 23 Stone of Higher Consciousness = Stellar Gateway No10 weighs 174g
Auralite 23 is said to be a stone of New Higher Consciousness - Fabulous for meditation
Within this family of crystals, scientists have identified twenty-three earth elements and minerals. The average crystal contains at least seventeen of the following:
Titanite – Enhances concentration and mental abilities. Brings good fortune, increases knowledge.
Cacoxenite – spiritual cleansing, regeneration, aligns with the divine (6th & 7th chakras)
Lepidocrosite – emotional healing, love and empathy, soul retrieval, inspiration (4th chakra)
Ajoite – love, healing, emotional support, goddess and angelic communication (4, 5, 6, 7 chakras)
Hematite – grounding, manifestation, harmonizes mind, body spirit (1st chakra)
Magnetite – alignment, grounding balance polarity, awaken potentials (all chakras)
Pyrite – healer’s gold harmonizes astral, subtle and causal bodies aligning them with the physical. Balances male and female aspects. Activates weak chakras and enhances subtle flow of energies.
Goethite – opens a cosmic anchor attaching you safely between the core of the earth and galactic center. Resonates to #44, the number of metamorphosis. Facilitates clairaudience. Purifies the emotional body releasing hooks and past life issues.
Pyrolusite – Used for transformation and transmutation of one’s physical, emotion and intellectual bodies. Brings energy for reconstructing one’s life. Heal areas of disturbance. Used to heal and balance the aura by repelling negative energy.
Gold – Gold symbolizes the spiritual aspect of “All That Is”. It is symbolic of spirituality and development of complete understanding. Allow one to attain and maintain communion with the source of all being. Prompts one to allow beauty to come forth. Balances energy fields and eliminates ego conflicts.
Silver – Silver within crystal is beautiful and rare. Silver brings one “the advantage” throughout life. It can be used as a mirror to the soul, to simulate seeing oneself from outside of the body. Provides a strong connection to the astral body. Silver both attracts and retains and is a steadying influence.
Platinum – Balances the centers and meridians of the physical body. Aligns body to the etheric and subtle bodies. Facilitates maintenance of optimum health.
Please refer to one of our other Auralite listings for a complete list of properties ~